Collecting Quotes

I recently realized that it has been a while since I last posted a quote. I decided it was about time to add a new one. But first, I want to explain something: When I do post quotes, they are more than just space fillers or a way for me to compensate for not having written an actual post in a while. I can say this because, honestly, when I first started blogging, those were the exact reasons why I did post quotes. Now, however, I’ve come to enjoy simply sharing these quotations.

Since I was about 12, I’ve collected quotes. From books, from family, from things I’ve heard in TV or on the radio. My room is littered with little notebooks filled with these collections. Needless to say, I have a wide variety to choose from. But more than that, when I share a quote from my collection, I regard it as personal. I am sharing part of what makes me who I am, in hopes of finding other people who will take equal inspiration/humour/hope/knowledge away from these words.

Today, the quote I’m sharing seems all to relevant to my current situation. As I look for jobs in the real world, I need to remember that the “risk” or staying still is just as “painful” as moving on. Please enjoy and feel free to share some of your favorite quotes with me. I’m always looking to add to my collection!



“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

-Anais Nin

Little Life Lessons: 1

I’ve decided to add a new segment to my blog. I’m calling it “Little Life Lessons.” It will simply feature a photo (taken by yours truly) and a little life lesson (hence the name). The idea came to me when I was looking through my photos the other day in a fit of nostalgia. Looking back on some of my most treasured events, I realized the importance of all the small things I’ve learned in life. I wanted to share, hoping to bring a little insight, smile, and joy. I am by no means a Life Coach, but I think we can all learn to appreciate the little things in life, and the lessons we take from them.



Stand out from the flock.