Looking for a good deed of the day?

Looking to feel a bit better about yourself?

Looking to justify the countless hours you’ve spent on the computer with a bit of selflessness?

Or maybe you just want to give back.

If any one of those statements applies to you, I suggest you follow this link to the Greater Good Network where, with just a click of the mouse, and no cost to you, you can:

a. Sponsor a donation of food to help stop world hunger

b. Sponsor a donation of funds for free mammograms to find and treat the earliest symptoms of breast cancer

c. Sponsor the donation of food and care for rescued animals

d. Help provide free meals to down and out veterans

e. Sponsor the donation of free therapy for children with autism

f. Help provide children in need with proper healthcare

g. Fight illiteracy by sponsoring the donation of free books

h. Help protect wildlife habitats

i. All of the above


And all it takes from you is a simple mouse click. No costs, no signing up for anything, no strings attached.

While you’re there, feel free to sign any number of petitions that are also helping to make our world a better place.

Who knew giving back could be so simple?

And for those on the go, don’t fret– There’s an app for that.